Chocolate Chip Cookie 23

writer on AO3 | 🐰🐥 enthusiast | she/her | 아포방포💜WIP: 🏰 36.1k | ☠️ 15.6k | 📖 8.4k | 🐰 21.5k+ | 🐍18.3k+ | 🩸 2.7k+(artwork by @Elsa_draws)

My fics

Below you will find an overview of all my works. Clicking on the moodboard will take you to the corresponding fic on AO3. Please read the tags carefully as some of my works contain dead dove topics. Happy reading!

lilac and fir

Taehyung and Jeongguk have been two of the most important people in Jimin's life since he was six years old. Sixteen years later, he is waiting for the right moment to tell Jeongguk how he really feels about him, but will his feelings be reciprocated?

All Good Things Come In Thirteen

His brother is getting married in two weeks and nothing could dampen Jeongguk's anticipation of the event he has so carefully organized - except for his parents, who are adamant on arranging a date for him because they consider him incapable of doing so himself. To avoid that, he has just flat-out lied through his teeth to his family about recently having met someone. Which, just to reiterate, is a lie.So now he has exactly two weeks left to find not just any man to bring as his date, but “a cute beta” - and a suit.

Truth or Dare

When Jimin outsmarted his former friend turned enemy into choosing dare at a stupid game of truth or dare, he intended to humiliate him in front of all the other students by demanding something he would never agree to, so that the over-competitive jock would have to admit defeat at least once in his life. That Jeongguk would eventually agree to let Jimin fuck him actually wasn't part of the plan ...

Your Hands Tell

Jeongguk wasn’t someone to give up that easily and if he had to learn a new language in order to befriend the boy who protected him from his bullies, that’s exactly what he would do.

The Moon Hidden Within The Clouds

When Jeongguk is caught in a violent storm, he urgently needs to seek shelter to survive and fortunately, he is able to find a hidden cave. There's just one problem: The cave is already inhabited. Jeongguk can only hope that the other wolf will tolerate him at least temporarily instead of ripping him to pieces immediately. He didn't expect an alpha who wasn't always in control of his wolf. A wolf that seems determined to claim him ...

Destiny Disguised As Coincidence

Autumn has always been Jimin’s favourite season. When he was young, he couldn’t wait for those months for two main reasons: his birthday and the temperatures finally falling. After his grandmother’s death a few autumns ago, the magnificent colours had lost some of their radiance and this season always made him a little melancholy until a handsome stranger and his adorable dog brought new colour into his life.

You Wrap Around Me And You Give Me Life (Explicit Version)

Usually, Jeongguk is the hunter who stalks his prey in the night, loving to feed especially on omegas, their taste sweet on his tongue. And he has absolutely nothing against fucking them at the same time. But when he comes to, he finds himself trapped in a foreign cabin alone with an alpha claiming to want to punish him for his misdeeds as one should do with naughty vampires: impale them.

A Tale Of Thorns And Blackberries

After his sister is horrendously murdered at the king's behest, just to extend a human's life, Jimin seeks revenge and curses all male royal descendants to fall into a sleep-like death before they reach the age of twenty-three, a sleep from which they can only be woken by an act of true love - something that humans are not capable of. At least that's what the dragon hybrid thought until, decades later, he meets a young man whose soul is pure and whose smile expels the darkness in his heart - and who's still doomed to suffer the same fate.

I Just Want You Here Tonight, Holding On To Me So Tight

Christmas is Jimin's favourite time of the year and the alpha usually can't wait to finally follow their traditions with Jeongguk. This December though, he can only enjoy the season to a limited extent because the omega is behaving increasingly strangely. Jimin knows something is wrong, he just doesn't know what yet. But he won't rest until he finds out so they can both celebrate a merry Christmas together.

Going Down The Rabbit’s Hole

Many prey hybrids have fallen victim to Jimin. He had neither a guilty conscience nor had he let anyone survive because only the dead were effectively silenced. The predator had no intention of making an exception for Jeongguk, but the sight of the lovely passed out bunny hybrid was so enticing that it suddenly occurred to him that there might be an even better way to use the younger to his advantage.

(Give Me) A Good Ride

The daily commute to work was definitely not something Jimin looked forward to - until Bambi showed up and sweetened his mornings with his gorgeous appearance and his delicious smell of freshly baked cookies. Jimin would have loved to flirt with him, but unfortunately he seemed much more interested in the dating app on his phone. Curious, Jimin decided to install the same app one day and found the other man's profile - which had an unexpected but very pleasant surprise in store.

Confessing New Cravings

When Jimin receives a cryptic message from his best friend at the end of a very chocolate-heavy Valentine's Day, he has no idea what turn the evening would take. However, he can't claim to regret following Taehyung's advice after he suddenly finds himself face to face with a very nervous Jeongguk, revealing a secret desire Jimin is only too happy to fulfill …

Butt, You’re Mine

When Jeongguk forces himself to go to the urologist with a small - or maybe not so small - problem below the belt, he expects to meet a middle-aged gentleman with greying hair, glasses, a lab coat and a stern expression. Instead, he suddenly finds himself sitting opposite an outrageously handsome young man who doesn't hesitate to lend a deft hand to help him solve his issue ...

Rumour Has It He’s The One I’m Leaving You For

Jimin is getting ready for his arranged wedding when the realization hits him that he can't go through with it. Instead of being happy and looking forward to walking down the aisle he feels like he is preparing to go to the gallows. And in a way, maybe that's true, because marrying the alpha his parents have chosen would mean finally saying goodbye to the future he's always imagined. Luckily, he can always rely on his best man Jeongguk ...

'Cause I'm Nobody's But Yours

Although it is unusual to receive courting gifts as an alpha, the romantic in Jeongguk feels flattered when someone unexpectedly starts sending him gifts. He just wishes he knew who his secret admirer is. Especially because everything – the selection particularly tailored to the alpha's interests and the messages attached to them – suggests that the person behind the abbreviation S is not just some casual acquaintance but someone very close to him ...

I Can’t Seem To Ever Get You Out Of My Mind

It's been years and yet Jeongguk can't forget the magical night he spent with Jimin on the beach as a teenager - the charming omega's smile and his watermelon scent never leaving his thoughts. Eventually, he pours his longing into a song. It’s the first one he likes enough to share with the world, and even though he hasn’t seen Jimin since then, he trusts fate will bring them together again if they are meant to be ...

Charming A Snake

When Jeongguk went on the hunt for a gorgon to gain fame and honour by decapitating an abominable monster, he didn't expect to find an angelic beauty instead of a hideous creature. Captivated from the very first moment, killing it is the last thing on his mind when he finally lays his eyes on the hybrid. To his delight, the gorgon offers him anything in exchange for its life and Jeongguk is only too happy to accept the deal, knowing exactly what he wants in return ...

Maybe It’s All Part Of A Plan

As the second in line to the throne of the principality of Jeju, Jeongguk is a prince with countless responsibilities, but at university he just wants to be treated like a normal student. That's why the shy omega hides his royal status when he falls head over heels for Jimin, a thoughtful alpha with the most alluring scent he's ever smelled. The charming man sweeps Jeongguk off his feet, enough to make him forget for a moment that he's expected to mate soon - and has very limited say in who ...

Your Place or Mine?

Two weeks after Jimin had won much more than a simple bet, he and Jeongguk continued to be the topic of conversion on the entire campus. However, the couple doesn't really care about the rumours. They are way more interested in finally having their first real date after getting through the annoying midterms! But first the weather thwarts their plans and then Jeongguk decides to behave like a brat. Will that ruin their romantic night - or will that make it so much better?

If It’s Better To Bet On Us, Then I’ll Double Down

If Jeongguk hadn't fully expected to win their cooking challenge, he would never have taken on this damn bet. Because that’s how he found himself on stage giving a shameless acceptance speech written by his co-star Kim Seokjin. Would he ever have dreamt of hitting on his favourite actor in front of thousands of people? Absolutely not! Does he regret it? Not in the slightest. Park Jimin had personally made sure of that ...

Come On Now, Follow My Lead

Jeongguk has been thirsting for his sweet lecturer all semester but so far all his attempts at flirting have flopped - something he's not used to at all. He was already about to accept defeat when he learns that Mr. Park is, in fact, not as straight as he suspected. Now, Jeongguk is determined to up the ante and seduce the older with his salacious writing skills. To his surprise, he will gain more than he bargained for …

my moodboards

Below you will find a compilation of the moodboards I’ve created. A couple of them belong to my stories, a few I made just for fun and some are commissions. Please feel free to contact me via Twitter or e-mail if you would like me to create one for you (free of charge) and I will see what I can do for you. ;)

Works in progress

I'm currently working on several other stories, including some fics for upcoming fests. The tentative schedule for the next year looks like this (subject to change):December 2024~ 🎄 Secret Santa 2024 (tbd)
~ 👓 Secret Project (tbd)
~ 🐍 BTS Fantasy Fest #1 (tbd)
January 2025~ 👔 Jikook Enigma Fest (tbd)February 2025~ 💝 Kinky Valentine Season 2 (tbd)May 2025~ 🐰 Bunkoo Fest (tbd)undetermined~ 💋 Twin JK x Alpha JM
~ 🐙 Tentacle Monster Jimin x Human JK
~ 👻 Ghost JK x Human JM
~ 💤 Morpheus JM x Human JK
~ 🩸 Vampire JM x Werewolf JK
~ 🐺 Omega JM x Omega JK
~ ♍️ Virgin FF Writer JK x Bad Boy JM
~ 💔 Ex JM x Ex JK
~ 🎃 Halloween fic
~ 🧮 Playboy JK x Nerd JM
~ 🎐 Deity JK x Human JM